Gujarat High Court Scolds State Government and City Authorities Over Rajkot Fire Tragedy

In a recent session, the Gujarat High Court issued a severe reprimand to both the state government and local authorities in Rajkot following a devastating fire in a gaming zone that resulted in the deaths of 27 people, including 12 children. The fire, which occurred on a Saturday evening at the TRP Game Zone in Rajkot, has shaken the community, especially since many victims were children whose bodies were so badly burned that identification has become challenging.

During a critical hearing, the court expressed its distrust in the local systems and the state government, highlighting their failure to enforce basic safety regulations. The Rajkot municipal body admitted that two gaming zones had been operating for over 24 months without the necessary fire safety certificates or approvals. This confession sparked outrage in the court, leading to a stern admonition that it could no longer trust the state authorities to uphold public safety standards.

The court was particularly incensed by images showing officials present at the gaming zones, questioning whether these officials were there merely for recreation. Discoveries that fire safety certification hearings had been unresolved for four years only fueled the court’s frustration, leading to accusations of blindness and negligence on the part of the state government.

In an attempt to regain control over the situation, the state government’s attorney, Manisha Lav Kumar Shah, acknowledged that similar regulatory breaches were present in Ahmedabad’s gaming zones. A special team has been formed to investigate these issues and is expected to submit a report within 72 hours.

Rajkot’s Police Commissioner Raju Bhargav stated that the TRP Game Zone had been licensed by local police last November, with a renewal processed until December 31, 2024. Furthermore, it was revealed that there are 34 locations in the city similar to the mall’s small gaming zone, three of which lack the necessary no-objection certificates.

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This incident has prompted a comprehensive investigation led by a five-member Special Investigation Team (SIT), tasked with unraveling the circumstances that led to this tragedy and ensuring such neglect does not happen again.

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