The Supreme Court is set to hear a batch of pleas challenging the acquittal of Surendra Koli in the infamous 2006 Nithari serial killings on March 25. This decision comes after the Allahabad High Court’s controversial verdict last year, which acquitted Koli of all charges in several cases tied to the gruesome incidents.
Justices B R Gavai and Augustine George Masih, presiding over the hearing, were informed by Solicitor General Tushar Mehta of the serious nature of the allegations, which involved the rape and murder of several children and women in Nithari, Uttar Pradesh. The apex court has expedited the process by ordering the trial court records to be presented swiftly, ensuring that all parties have access to the necessary documents.
The pleas against Koli’s acquittal have been brought forth by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and the Uttar Pradesh government, reflecting the public and governmental outcry over the high court’s decision to overturn the 2010 death sentence. The high court had criticized the initial investigation as a “betrayal of public trust,” citing a lack of conclusive evidence to prove Koli and his co-accused Moninder Singh Pandher’s guilt “beyond reasonable doubt.”
The case has been marked by numerous legal twists and reversals over the years, with Koli initially being sentenced to death in 2010 for his role in the deaths, while Pandher was acquitted in some cases but faced the death penalty in others. Both had their sentences questioned and, in some instances, reversed by the high court.
The Nithari case first came to light with the horrific discovery of children’s skeletal remains in a drain near Pandher’s house on December 29, 2006. Subsequent searches revealed more remains in nearby drains, pointing to a series of violent acts that had shocked the nation. The CBI took over the investigation shortly after the remains were found, and their findings led to multiple charges against Koli and Pandher.