Delhi High Court Declines to Mandate Doordarshan for Exclusive Sindhi Channel

In a recent ruling, the Delhi High Court has refrained from instructing the Central Government and Doordarshan to establish a dedicated 24-hour pan-India Doordarshan channel for the Sindhi community. Justice Sudhir Kumar Jain emphasized that the establishment of a new channel falls strictly within the realm of governmental duties, which the court cannot intrude upon.

The court acknowledged the cultural and linguistic significance of the Sindhi community, underscoring its right to preserve its heritage. However, Justice Jain clarified, “It is not workable for this court to give directions to the respondents for opening of a new Doordarshan channel for the Sindhi community which is purely a governmental function.”

The plea, filed by Asha Chand on behalf of a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and preserving the ancient Sindhi culture and language, invoked Article 226 of the Constitution. It sought judicial intervention to compel the allocation of a 24-hour Doordarshan channel specifically for the Sindhi community, citing their status as a linguistic minority.

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The petitioner argued that the government and Doordarshan hold an increased responsibility to actively promote and preserve the Sindhi language and culture. The plea expressed dissatisfaction with the government’s efforts in supporting various minorities while allegedly neglecting the Sindhi community, in violation of the constitutional mandate under Article 14.

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Despite the plea, the court recognized the existing efforts by Doordarshan to broadcast Sindhi programming across multiple channels such as DD Girnar, DD Rajasthan, and DD Sahyadri. Additionally, the court took note of Doordarshan’s initiative to allocate specific time slots for Sindhi content on one of its regional channels, viewing it as a positive step towards promoting Sindhi culture and language.

Justice Jain concluded with an expectation that Doordarshan and the Central Government would continue to explore avenues to further the representation of Sindhi culture and language within their broadcasting policies and guidelines, potentially leading to the establishment of a dedicated Sindhi channel in the future, in alignment with policy and guidelines. The petition was accordingly disposed of, leaving room for future considerations by the concerned authorities.

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