Orissa High Court Grants Bail to Couple in Impersonation and Cheating Case

The Orissa High Court on Monday granted conditional bail to Hanshita Abhilipsa and her husband Anil Mohanty, who were detained under charges of impersonating government officials and engaging in fraudulent activities. The couple, arrested for their suspicious activities flagged by the Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS), were released on bail by Justice R K Pattanaik.

Each accused was required to furnish a bail bond of Rs 50,000 along with a solvent surety for the same amount. The High Court’s decision came after considering the evidence presented, which indicated a prima facie case against the couple for their involvement in a complex scheme of impersonation.

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The investigation into the couple began when KISS authorities reported dubious claims made by them during a visit to the institution. It was uncovered that Hanshita Abhilipsa had manipulated photographs with high-ranking bureaucrats to falsely establish her credentials as a government official. Furthermore, she was found to have a past criminal record and had allegedly acquired a passport under a concealed identity.

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As part of the bail conditions, Justice Pattanaik ordered Hanshita and Anil to surrender their passports to ensure they do not leave the country. The couple is also prohibited from leaving the court’s jurisdiction without explicit permission and is required to cooperate fully with the ongoing investigation.

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