BJP leader Singh slams Cong over rape of girl in Sukma, says Chhattisgarh govt insensitive

Former Chhattisgarh Chief Minister and BJP leader Raman Singh on Wednesday slammed the Congress government in the state over the alleged rape of a minor girl in Sukma district and said not a single leader of the ruling party has spoken about the incident.

Singh said if such an incident had taken place in any other state, the Congress would have created an uproar.

Addressing a press conference here, the BJP leader claimed that after the incident when the victim’s parents reached the hostel where the crime took place, they were chased away.

An FIR (first information report) was not registered promptly and medical examination of the victim also did not take place immediately, he alleged.

“If the incident like the one in Errabor (where the alleged rape took place) would have happened in any other state, the Congress would have created mayhem. But after this incident not a single person (Congress leader) has said anything. This is an example of how insensitive this government is,” Singh said.

Meanwhile, Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel, talking to reporters in Raipur, said Sukma’s incident was deplorable and police were investigating the matter.

“We will ensure justice for the girl,” he added.

The girl, aged 6 to 7 years, was allegedly raped by an unidentified man in the hostel of a residential school on the night of July 22 in the Errabor area of Sukma district, police have said.

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Police have registered a case under sections 376 AB (rape on a woman under 12 years of age), 456 (house trespass), 363 (kidnapping) and 324 (voluntarily causing hurt) of the Indian Penal Code and provisions of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act in this connection.

Two women staffers of the residential school have been suspended for allegedly informing the police late about the incident, officials said in Sukma.

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