The Supreme Court while hearing a plea filed by 86-year-old Asaram, seeking suspension of his sentence (SOS), has deferred its decision to January. While Asaram’s lawyers urged the Court to hear the matter both on medical grounds and the merits of the conviction, the bench, comprising Justice M.M. Sundresh and Justice Aravind Kumar, confined its scrutiny strictly to the petitioner’s medical condition.
The spiritual leader, currently serving a life sentence for sexual assault, has sought temporary relief, citing deteriorating health and advanced age. His advocates highlighted that he has suffered multiple heart attacks in custody and faces life-threatening risks due to his frail condition.
Representing Asaram, Senior advocate Dama Sheshadri Naidu, along with advocates Rajesh Inamdar and Shashwat Anand, pressed for the Court to consider both the health-based plea and the merits of Asaram’s case. However, the bench made it clear that the scope of the current proceedings would remain limited to evaluating whether his medical condition justifies a temporary suspension of his sentence.
“The only question that arises for consideration is whether the petitioner is entitled to suspension of his sentence for a limited period on medical grounds,” the bench stated during the hearing.
Representing the State of Gujarat, Solicitor General Tushar Mehta opposed the plea, arguing that Asaram’s conviction for grave offenses and the circumstances of the case do not warrant leniency at this stage.
The Supreme Court’s decision to restrict the plea to medical grounds underscores its cautious approach to balancing the demands of justice with humanitarian concerns. The upcoming hearing in January will focus on determining whether Asaram’s health condition necessitates a temporary reprieve and, if so, for how long.
Asaram, who has been in custody for over 11 years, awaits the Court’s verdict on whether his plea for temporary suspension of sentence on medical grounds will be granted.