The Rajasthan High Court, presided by Justice Sameer Jain, has mandated a status quo on the Sub-Inspector Recruitment Exam-2021, in response to the state government’s advisory against hasty cancellation of the exam. This decision comes as the government deliberates on the potential annulment of the recruitment process amidst an ongoing investigation.
During the court session, Additional Advocate General (AAG) Vigyan Shah presented the government’s stance, which remains non-committal on the exam’s future until the inquiry concludes. “The government is still evaluating its options and has decided not to cancel the exam hastily,” said Vedant Sharma, representing both accused candidates and those already recruited as sub-inspectors.
The court has extended its November 19, 2024, order to maintain the status quo, effectively pausing not just the exam but also any subsequent training and posting activities related to the recruitment. Additionally, the court has appointed senior advocate RD Rastogi as amicus curiae to assist in resolving the case’s complexities.
Harendra Neel, representing the petitioners seeking the exam’s cancellation, highlighted the government’s response indicating that recruitment will not be halted immediately. “The recruitment process will continue pending the outcome of the thorough investigation. Only upon its completion will the government be in a position to make an informed decision,” Neel explained.
The controversy surrounding the exam escalated when allegations of irregularities led to the arrest of 150 individuals, including fifty trainee sub-inspectors and two members of the Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC). This prompted recommendations from the police headquarters and the advocate general to cancel the examination.