In a pivotal response to a shocking incident involving the alleged sexual assault of an Indian Army officer’s fiancée, the Orissa High Court on Monday mandated the installation of CCTV cameras across all police stations in Odisha. The directive follows the uproar over the events of September 15 at the Bharatpur police station in Bhubaneswar, where the army officer and his fiancée were reportedly assaulted by police personnel.
Chief Justice Chakradhari Sharan Singh expressed dismay over the events leading to the filing of an attempt to murder charge against the couple, who had originally entered the station to file a complaint. “What happened inside the police station is a mystery & being investigated. It is, however, surprising that they came out with a FIR registered against both of them for commission of offence relating to attempt to murder. Will anyone go to a Police Station after having noticed this fact?” questioned the Chief Justice.
The court’s strong stance includes a deadline for the additional DG of modernization of the Odisha Police to report back on the status of CCTV installations by October 9. Advocate Goutam Mishra has been appointed as Amicus Curiae to ensure the proper handling of the case.
This judicial intervention aligns with the 2020 Supreme Court directive for transparency and the protection of human rights, mandating CCTV in all police and investigative agency offices. The Orissa High Court also stressed the need for better facilities at police stations to prevent such incidents.
DGP YB Khurania assured that CCTV installations would be complete by October 8, covering new and existing stations. This comes after it was revealed that the Bharatpur station, inaugurated in March as a model station, lacked CCTV coverage.
The incident has triggered a broader examination of police conduct and safety protocols, with the state government ordering a judicial probe headed by retired Kolkata High Court judge, Justice Chitta Ranjan Dash. The probe aims to scrutinize the circumstances and roles involved, suggesting measures to prevent future occurrences and ensuring women’s safety and security.