The Punjab and Haryana High Court has sought a response from the Punjab government on NHAI’s plea against the closure of four toll plazas, including Ladowal. The court has also ordered the Advocate General of Punjab to appear in the next hearing on July 10.
NHAI’s petition highlights that the toll plazas are repeatedly being encroached upon and closed. It also points out that state government ministers are supporting this illegal action by participating in the protests.
The petition argues that the closure of these tolls is not only disrupting law and order but also causing a significant revenue loss. NHAI informed the court that despite tractors and trolleys being exempt from toll fees, this issue is being raised. The closed tolls include Ladowal, Usma in Amritsar, Chak Bahinia in Jalandhar, and Ghaggar in Ambala.
Previously, the High Court, in its order dated January 12, 2023, directed the Punjab state and DGP Punjab to provide adequate security for NHAI’s properties and toll plazas as per the State Support Agreement to prevent encroachments and restore normalcy.
In compliance with these orders, the DGP (Law and Order) filed affidavits on February 15, 2023, and July 12, 2023, stating that directives were issued to field units to provide sufficient security for NHAI’s properties/toll plazas in Punjab. After the state’s police affidavit, the High Court had resolved the matter.
NHAI contends that despite the DGP’s affidavit and the resolution of the matter, some toll plazas in Punjab are still facing repeated encroachments by protesters taking the law into their own hands. NHAI informed the court that due to these actions, four toll plazas have been closed, causing a substantial financial loss of ₹113.21 crores to the central treasury.
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NHAI is currently facing severe challenges at the four toll plazas due to encroachments and serious law and order issues. The petition emphasizes that due to the protests, toll operations and collections have been disrupted, leading to significant financial impacts and hindering highway maintenance.