Man gets 20-year jail term for raping school girl

A court in Odisha’s Kandhamal district sentenced a man to 20 years rigorous imprisonment for raping a school girl.

Fast track court, Judge, Anita Sahu on Saturday convicted Nagarjun Bisoi (27) of Bisipada village for raping the girl and sentenced him to 20 years rigorous imprisonment after examining 13 witnesses, medical and scientific reports.

The court has also imposed a penalty of Rs 25,000 on Bisoi, said special public prosecutor Banamali Behera.

According to the prosecution, Bisoi lured the 14-year-old girl when she was going to school on May 19, 2022, and took her on his bike to Phulbani town. While returning to her village, Bisoi forcefully dragged her to a mountain and raped her.

The girl’s mother lodged an FIR against Bisoi at Phulbani Sadar police station on May 21, 2022, and he was arrested.

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