The Madras High Court has ordered the Tamil Nadu Home Secretary, Dheeraj Kumar, to appear before the court on January 31, addressing concerns over the police’s failure to timely register FIRs and file final reports, a practice described as “illegal” by the judiciary.
Justice P Velmurugan issued the directive during the interim orders on a petition filed by P Sundar, who sought a final report from the Virugambakkam police regarding a case initiated in 2015. The government advocate revealed that the case was closed the same year, yet the final report was never submitted to the magistrate, highlighting a systemic issue within the police department.
“This is not an isolated incident,” stated Justice Velmurugan. “There are numerous instances where, despite completing investigations, the police have not filed the final report within the required timeframe.” The law mandates that FIRs should be sent immediately to the magistrate, and all investigation materials should be submitted forthwith to avoid undue delays.
The judge emphasized the plight of litigants who, unable to afford legal recourse, suffer from the police’s lack of procedural compliance. “Many complainants, particularly those from financially disadvantaged backgrounds, struggle to secure justice,” he added.
The ongoing negligence by police officials to adhere to court procedures and directives, according to Justice Velmurugan, not only hampers the judicial process but also denies justice to the public, forcing an inordinate number of petitions under section 482 of the Cr.P.C. These petitions often demand the registration of FIRs and the submission of final reports—fundamental duties neglected by the police.