When he saw only 20 cases on the docket of a Kerala High Court judge, the lawyer became so enraged that he filed a writ against the Chief Justice in the High Court itself.
Advocate claims that over 100 cases are heard daily in the courts of other judges; therefore, why favour only one justice?
Remember that the Master of the Roster is the Chief Justice of the High Courts.

According to the lawyer, if the Chief Justice instructs the registry to list fewer cases in the court of a specific judge, the Chief Justice is violating Article 14 of the Constitution.
Yashwant Shenoy is the lawyer who filed the writ. They claim that the Registry operates solely on the Chief Justice’s advice. No other judge can even intervene in the roster in such a case.
He said that he was shocked to see that the least number of cases are being filed in Mary Joseph’s court. Too many cases are adjourned because of this.
Shenay filed this petition before Justice Shaji P. His demand was that the court issue an order to the registrar general explaining why 20 cases were filed in a court with only one judge. They should be directed to file a list of similar cases with all of the judges. The court saw that no lawyer had come to represent the Registrar General, so ordered that he should send his advocate. On March 3, the case will be heard.
The lawyer who filed the writ stated that, on the one hand, there is a national debate about the status of the cases. A tug of war is also taking place between the government and the judiciary. The reason for the pending cases is stated to be a lack of judges. However, no work is being done here.