Former Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh, Bhupesh Baghel, has written to the Chief Justice of India, seeking a high-level judicial investigation into the actions of Central and state investigative agencies in Chhattisgarh. Baghel’s letter, addressed to CJI Dhananjaya Chandrachud on September 21, alleges a misuse of these agencies for political vendetta, particularly to falsely implicate him in ongoing investigations into alleged scams.
Baghel pointed out that the current atmosphere created by these agencies is instilling fear among the populace, asserting that if unchecked, it could deteriorate the state’s governance and civil harmony. He specifically mentioned his connection being unjustly made to the coal levy and the Mahadev online betting app scams, which were probed by the Enforcement Directorate and later by the state’s Anti Corruption Bureau/Economic Offence Wing (ACB/EOW) after the BJP came to power.
The former chief minister, who is also one of the 18 accused in the EOW’s FIR, recounted his adherence to constitutional duties during his tenure and his proactive approach towards any illegal activities. His letter detailed an incident involving a senior IPS officer allegedly coercing a businessman, Suryakant Tiwari, to name Baghel in the coal scam, highlighting the level of conspiracy he believes is being orchestrated against him.