In a significant addition to the Delhi High Court, Justices Ajay Digpaul and Harish Vaidyanathan Shankar were sworn in on Wednesday, January 8, 2025. The ceremony, presided over by Acting Chief Justice Vibhu Bakhru, took place at the high court premises, marking an important moment in the judiciary of India’s capital.
The appointments of Justices Digpaul and Shankar come following the Central government’s notification on Monday, January 6, 2025, which was based on the recommendations of the Supreme Court Collegium made in August of the previous year. The two judges, both previously practising advocates, are expected to bring their extensive legal experience to the bench.
With the induction of Justices Digpaul and Shankar, the total strength of the Delhi High Court has now reached 37, moving closer to its sanctioned capacity of 60 judges. This expansion is seen as a crucial step towards addressing the backlog of cases and enhancing the efficiency of judicial proceedings in the capital.