Court sentences 4 men to 20 years of imprisonment for raping minor girl

 A special court here on Tuesday sentenced four people to 20 years of imprisonment for sexually exploiting and raping a 13-year-old girl in November last year.

The POCSO (Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act) court also slammed a total penalty of Rs 3.50 lakh on convicts Hemraj Soni (47), Raghunandan alias Raghu Pandit (46), Shubham Soni (24) and Ganesh Tak (25), residents of Lakehri town in Bundi district, public prosecutor (POCSO court-2) Rakesh Thakur said.

The minor was rescued from her home by Child Line workers on November 10, 2022, and was put in a shelter home, where she narrated her ordeal to members of the Child Welfare Committee, Thakur said, adding that the case was registered on November 17, 2022.

Statements of 17 witnesses were recorded during the trial and 41 documents were produced before the court, he added.

Thakur said the minor’s mother is a domestic help while her father died during the Covid outbreak.

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