Court issues warrant against Delhi Police Inspector for non-appearance

A Delhi court has issued a bailable warrant against a Delhi Police inspector for not appearing before it in a murder case.

Additional Sessions Judge Raj Kumar was hearing a case registered by the Nabi Karim police station under section 302 (murder) of the India Penal Code (IPC). The case is at the stage of submitting evidence by the prosecution.

“Prosecution witness (PW) Inspector Tej Dutt Gaur is not present. Issue bailable warrants in the sum of Rs 5,000 against the inspector. Notice under section 350 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) be also issued,” the court said in a recent order.

The section deals with the procedure for the punishment of non-attendance by a witness after being summoned by a criminal court.

During the proceedings, advocate Sanjay Sharma, appearing in the court for one of the accused, said the complainant, who was the deceased’s wife, was untraceable for around three years.

The public prosecutor said if the complainant fails to appear even after the process of submitting evidence is over, she could be dropped as a witness.

The matter has been posted to January 2 for further proceedings.

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