On Friday, the Chief Justice of India, Sanjiv Khanna, praised Supreme Court Justice CT Ravikumar on his final working day, marking the end of an illustrious judicial career. Justice Ravikumar, who is set to retire on Sunday, was celebrated for his exceptional journey from a modest rural upbringing to his role as a distinguished judge at the nation’s highest court.
Justice Ravikumar, who joined the Supreme Court on August 31, 2021, after serving at the Kerala High Court, was lauded by CJI Khanna as a “humane and noble soul,” underscoring his significant achievements and contributions to the judiciary. “Justice Ravikumar’s journey from a rural background to the apex court is a remarkable accomplishment and serves as an inspiration to many,” said CJI Khanna during the ceremonial bench session, which also included Justice Sanjay Kumar.
Throughout the farewell, Justice Ravikumar was honored for his deep-rooted values and ethical approach to his duties. CJI Khanna highlighted that despite his retirement, Justice Ravikumar plans to continue residing in Delhi, suggesting his ongoing engagement with the legal community.
In his farewell address, Justice Ravikumar thanked the Bar for its support throughout his career, reflecting on his foundational experiences as an advocate that shaped his perspectives as a judge. “I was an advocate, and that advocate remains in me. That is why I always hold the Bar in the highest respect,” he stated.
The event also saw tributes from several legal dignitaries, including Attorney General R Venkataramani, Solicitor General Tushar Mehta, and Supreme Court Bar Association President Kapil Sibal. Each praised Justice Ravikumar’s character and judicial demeanor. Solicitor General Mehta described him as a “god-loving person” who maintained composure and respect in the courtroom.
Kapil Sibal shared personal anecdotes about Justice Ravikumar’s love for cricket and nature, drawing parallels to his own life and emphasizing the need for humanity to draw lessons from nature’s simplicity and integrity.
Justice Ravikumar’s legal career began after he graduated in zoology from Bishop Moore College and earned an LLB from Government Law College, Calicut. He was enrolled as an advocate in 1986, appointed as an additional judge of the Kerala High Court in 2009, and became a permanent judge in 2010 before his elevation to the Supreme Court.