AIBE (XVII) 17 2023 Results Declared- Check Results Here

The Bar Council of India (BCI) has declared the much-awaited results for the 17th edition of the All India Bar Examination (AIBE) XVII. 

Candidates can check their results on the official website

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The AIBE XVII was conducted offline on February 5, 2023, from 10 AM to 1 PM. The tentative answer key was released on February 13, and candidates were given a window until February 20 to file grievances. The council examined these objections and released the revised answer key on April 14, 2023.

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The AIBE XVII cut-off scores were revised since two questions were dropped from the original 100-question paper. The council calculated the final scores based on the remaining 98 questions, and once they are released, they will also inform candidates of their qualifying status. To download their AIBE XVII results, candidates must visit the official website, click on the AIBE XVII Result 2023 link on the homepage, enter their roll number and follow the prompts. It is essential to download and keep a printout of the result for future reference.

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Passing the AIBE XVII is a requirement for practising law in India, and the certificate issued is recognised nationwide. The test assesses an advocate’s ability to apply laws and practice law in India. There is no separate scorecard provided, but candidates will be notified if they have passed or failed the exam.

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