In a significant move aimed at bolstering the judicial strength of the Andhra Pradesh High Court, the Supreme Court Collegium has put forward the names of two distinguished judicial officers for appointment as judges. The decision came to light following a meeting held by the Collegium on January 11, 2025.
The judicial officers recommended for these prestigious positions are:
- Avadhanam Hari Haranadha Sarma
- Dr. Yadavalli Lakshmana Rao
This recommendation comes at a critical time as the Andhra Pradesh High Court is currently operating with 28 judges, which is still below its sanctioned strength of 37 judges. This leaves 9 positions vacant, highlighting a significant gap in the court’s capacity to handle its caseload.
The appointments of Avadhanam Hari Haranadha Sarma and Dr. Yadavalli Lakshmana Rao are expected to significantly aid in reducing the backlog of cases and enhancing the judicial services in the state. The legal community and the public alike anticipate swift action from the President of India to formalize these appointments, thereby reinforcing the judiciary’s role in upholding justice and integrity in Andhra Pradesh.