The Delhi High Court on Wednesday rejected a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) that accused Chief Minister Atishi of permitting former AAP leader Manish Sisodia to utilize her government-allotted residence. The bench, led by Acting Chief Justice Vibhu Bakhru and Justice Tushar Rao Gedela, concluded that there was no need for judicial intervention, stating that the authorities are capable of addressing any potential legal infractions on their own.
The dismissed PIL, filed by petitioner Sanjeev Jain, alleged that Sisodia and his family were residing in Atishi’s official bungalow even after his resignation following an arrest in the excise policy case. According to Jain, the bungalow was allotted to Atishi in March 2023, and she had not objected to its use by Sisodia, thus constituting a misuse of government property intended for her personal use.
The petitioner argued that a government-allotted bungalow should not be used by any third party without proper authorization and sought the court’s intervention to recover damages for the alleged misappropriation.
However, the High Court deemed the petition unnecessary for further judicial scrutiny. “We don’t consider it apposite to pass any such orders. In case there are any rules being violated, the authorities concerned are fully competent to take action as required,” the bench noted in its ruling.