Madhya Pradesh High Court Grants Permission for Minor Daughter to Donate Liver to Save Father’s Life

In a heartwarming yet complex legal decision, the High Court in Indore has granted permission for a minor girl to donate her liver to her critically ill father, Shivnarayan Batham, who has been battling liver failure. This extraordinary case highlights the legal and ethical dilemmas surrounding organ donation by minors.

Shivnarayan Batham’s deteriorating health condition led to an urgent need for a liver transplant. However, finding a compatible donor proved difficult. His eldest daughter, Preeti, who is nearly of legal age, was found to be a match but faced legal restrictions due to her minor status, which necessitated a petition to the High Court. The plea was filed on June 13, seeking urgent judicial intervention.

Preeti underwent a thorough medical evaluation to assess her eligibility as a donor. Her blood type matched her father’s, and further medical reports confirmed her suitability for the donation. Following these assessments, a medical board approved the procedure, and governmental permissions were also secured. The High Court, after considering all aspects and the imminent risk to Shivnarayan’s life, granted the necessary legal clearance.

The court’s decision was influenced by the dire circumstances and the impending majority of the donor. Preeti, just two months shy of turning 18, expressed a strong desire to proceed with the donation, underscoring the urgency due to her father’s rapidly worsening condition. This case has sparked a discussion on the ethical considerations of minor organ donations, balancing the need to save a life with the protection of minors from potential coercion or harm.

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This landmark ruling not only saved a life but also set a precedent for handling similar cases where time-sensitive medical needs clash with legal stipulations regarding minors.

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