Development of All Sections Is Necessary for the Development of the Society: Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul

Under the guidance of Justice Shri Sanjay Kishan Kaul, Judge, Supreme Court / Executive Chairman, National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) and in collaboration with the National Commission for Women, New Delhi, from 12.07.2023 to 31.07.2023, the District Legal Services Authorities organized 247 literacy camps related to women’s welfare and Guidance was given to 18000 women about their rights and women’s empowerment and the welfare schemes being run by the Government of India and the state government for women, to lead a respectable life.

The closing ceremony of the said program was inaugurated by Mr. Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul, Judge, Supreme Court / Executive Chairman, National Legal Services Authority, New Delhi by lighting the lamp on 06.08.2023 in the auditorium of J.T.R.I., Gomti Nagar, Lucknow in the august presence of Chief Justice Mr. Pritinkar Diwakar, Chief Justice, High Court Allahabad / Chief Patron, Uttar Pradesh State Legal Services Authority, and Smt. Rekha Sharma, Chairperson, National Commission for Women, New Delhi.

On the occasion, Ms. Santosh Snehi Mann, Member Secretary, National Legal Services Authority, New Delhi, Mr. Vinod Singh Rawat, Director, J.T.R.I. Mr. Rajeev Bharti, Registrar General, High Court, Mr. Vivek, Senior Registrar, High Court Bench Lucknow, Mr. Sanjay Singh- 1. Member Secretary, Uttar Pradesh State Legal Services Authority, Ms. Meenakshi Negi, Member Secretary National Commission for Women, Registry Officers, Judges and secretaries of the family courts of the state were also present.

Women doctors, women and child development officers, Asha daughters-in-law, Anganwadi chief servants, presidents and representatives of various non-governmental organizations, law students, etc. participated in the closing ceremony as participants of the programme.

On the said occasion, Mr. Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul, while expressing his views regarding the rights of women and empowerment of women, said that the area of the National Legal Services Authority has become wider and settling small disputes through conciliation, they should not have to come to the court. For the development of the society, the development of people of all sections of the society is necessary because we all are bound by a thread and to achieve this, the rule of law has to be accepted. Legal aid and awareness is a regular process. Referring to the constitutional provision of equality before the law, he emphasized on giving a just place to women. Emphasized on education and awareness for women empowerment. Also stressed the need to implement schemes and judicial decisions for the benefit of prisoners.

Welcoming all the dignitaries, Mrs. Rekha Sharma, Chairperson, National Commission for Women, expressed the view that women empowerment will be meaningful only when women have knowledge of their legal rights and awareness is of utmost importance for this.

Chief Justice Mr. Pritinkar Diwakar, Chief Justice, High Court Allahabad / Chief Patron, Uttar Pradesh State Legal Services Authority, while thanking said that for the meaningfulness of women empowerment, we all have to give up this conservative thinking which keeps women as property and depriving her rights. Appreciating the role of the National Commission for Women, he said that we are slowly moving towards progress in the upliftment of women. Underlining this, it was said that the participation of women in judicial services has increased relative to men. Honorable Justice expressed heartfelt gratitude to the chief guest and all the participants.

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