Three get 20 years in jail for raping minor girl in Jhalawar

A special court in Jhalawar has given 20-year jail term each to three people for abducting and raping a minor girl three years ago.

The special Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act court on Thursday also imposed a fine of Rs 65,000 each on Pappu Singh (32), Narayan Singh (29) and Govindlal Meghwal (22), all residents of the Jhalawar district.

POCSO court Public prosecutor Ramhetar Gurjar said on Friday the minor survivor and her parents lodged a case of gangrape against the three on June 1, 2020, a day after the three persons abducted her while she was out in the filed for urination, took her to a field and raped in turn.

They eventually dropped her at a roadside eatery next early morning, he said.

The police registered a case under 363 (kidnapping), 376 (3) (repeatedly raping the same woman) of the Indian Penal Code and relevant sections of the POCSO Act.

After initial investigation, they arrested the three men on June 11, 2020, since when they have been in the jail in judicial custody, Gurjar said.

He said POCSO court judge Vinod Kumar Giri on Thursday held Pappu Singh, Narayan Singh and Govindlal guilty of abduction and gangrape and convicted each of them to 20 years in jail along with a fine of Rs 65,000 each.

Statements of at least 33 witnesses were recorded during the trial and 44 documents were produced before the court, he added.

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