Minor jailed for life for raping, killing 9-year-old girl

 A special court here has sentenced a boy to rigorous imprisonment for life for raping and murdering a nine-year-old girl when he was aged around 16 and half years.

The rape and murder took place in June last year in Amer area of Jaipur.

The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act court pronounced the judgment on Friday. It also imposed a total fine of Rs 63,000 on the convict.

The accused, whose age was 16 years and 7 months at the time of the crime, was detained and a chargesheet was filed before the Juvenile Justice Board.

The case was later transferred to the POCSO court for trial in August last year.

After the trial, the POCSO court-II of Jaipur convicted him and sentenced him to rigorous imprisonment for life under Section 302 (murder) of the IPC.

The court also sentenced him to 20 years of rigorous imprisonment (RI) under the POCSO Act, three years RI under Section 363 (kidnapping) of the IPC, 10 years RI under Section 364 (kidnapping or abducting in order to murder) of the IPC and 10 years RI under IPC Section 377 (unnatural sex).

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