UP man sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping mentally ill woman

A district court here has sentenced a man to 10 years of imprisonment for raping a mentally challenged woman six years ago, a government counsel said.

The court of Additional District Sessions Judge Sunita Singh Nagaur, while hearing the case of rape on Friday, also slapped a fine of Rs 1 lakh on the accused Vikas Verma, Additional District Government Counsel (ADGC) Anil Mishra said.

According to the police complaint registered by the victim’s father on September 24, 2017, Verma, then 23-year-old, had raped his mentally challenged 20-year-old daughter when she had gone to the field early morning, the ADGC said.

Based on the complaint, police lodged an FIR and filed a charge sheet following investigations, he added.

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