Take Quiz on Fundamental Rights and Get Certificate of Merit- Try Now

Welcome to Quiz on the Fundamental Rights. Test your knowledge and get a certificate. After attempting all the questions, you will get a link to download the Certificate of Merit with the score points. Remember to fill in your details below for the purpose of the certificate. Best of Luck!!

Welcome to the Fundamental Rights Quiz. Let's see how much do you know about Fundamental Rights

Fundamental rights in the Indian constitution have been taken from the

How many articles come under 'Right to Equality'?

Who among the following headed the nine-judge constitutional bench that declared the right to privacy as a fundamental right?

Article 19 of the Indian Constitution includes which of the following right?

The scope of the Article 21 of the Constitution was expanded to include Right of Education, because of the decision of Supreme Court in the case

In the Indian Constitution, as per Fundamental Rights, Abolition of Untouchability is a

Which of the following Article state the "Abolition of Titles"?

The 86th Constitution Amendment Act, 2002 inserted which of the following articles in the Constitution of India?

Which of the following statements is incorrect about Fundamental rights?

Under Which Article One Can Directly Approach Supreme Court For Enforcement of Fundamental Rights?

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