In a recent development, the Supreme Court has issued a notice to the Uttar Pradesh government, requesting a response regarding the bail plea filed by former Uttar Pradesh minister Azam Khan and his son, Abdullah Azam Khan. The duo is challenging an Allahabad High Court order that denied them bail in connection with a machine theft case.
The case revolves around allegations made against Khan, his son, and five others, accusing them of stealing a road-cleaning machine owned by the Nagar Palika Parishad of Rampur district. The machine, purchased for governmental use, was later reportedly recovered from Khan’s Jauhar University in Rampur.
Justice M M Sundresh and Justice Aravind Kumar, presiding over the bench, have called for the state’s reply following the appeal against the high court’s decision dated September 21.
The incident dates back to 2014, but the formal complaint was lodged in 2022 by Wakar Ali Khan at the Kotwali police station in Rampur, post the change in the state government. This timeline has added layers of political and legal complexities to the case, spotlighting the ongoing legal battles faced by the Khan family.