Supreme Court Reinstates Over One Lakh PACS Members in Bihar, Overturning Patna High Court’s Decision

In a significant ruling that affects over one hundred thousand farmers in Bihar, the Supreme Court of India has overturned a previous decision by the Patna High Court, thereby reinstating the membership of all individuals previously removed from the Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS). The apex court’s decision on Thursday nullified the High Court’s ruling which had declared Rule 7(4) concerning PACS membership as unconstitutional.

This verdict has brought considerable relief to the PACS members, ensuring their eligibility to participate in the upcoming PACS elections. Following the Supreme Court’s decision, the Department of Cooperation has issued directives to all officials to re-enroll the dismissed members and include their names in the electoral rolls. The department has also retracted its prior order that proposed the removal of Rule 7(4).

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Dharmendra Singh, Secretary of the Cooperation Department, confirmed that the reinstatement process is underway and the names are being added to the voter lists. He has also informed the Bihar State Election Authority about the Supreme Court’s ruling.

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Cooperation Minister Prem Kumar welcomed the Supreme Court’s decision, stating, “This will restore the PACS memberships of over one lakh farmers, enabling them to participate in the forthcoming PACS elections.”

PACS are grassroots institutions that provide agricultural loans to farmers at lower interest rates, facilitating the acquisition of necessary resources for farming. These societies hold elections every five years where the members elect their representatives.

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