The Supreme Court intervened on Tuesday, granting a stay on the proceedings against Congress MP Imran Pratapgarhi, who was booked for allegedly circulating an edited video featuring a provocative song. The case originated from an FIR lodged in Jamnagar, Gujarat. The bench comprising Justices Abhay S Oka and Ujjal Bhuyan also issued notices to the Gujarat government and the complainant, Kishanbhai Deepakbhai Nanda, seeking their responses.
The legal controversy began when Pratapgarhi posted a 46-second video clip on the social media platform X, depicting him at a mass marriage function in Jamnagar. In the video, Pratapgarhi is seen being greeted with flower petals while a background song plays, which the FIR alleges contained lyrics capable of inciting communal discord and harming national unity.
Pratapgarhi, who also serves as the national chairman of the Congress’ minority cell, was charged under Sections 196 and 197 of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, which pertain to promoting enmity between different groups and making assertions prejudicial to national integration.