Mumbai: Three get 10 years in jail in connection with minor girl’s rape

A special court in Mumbai has sentenced three persons, including a woman, to 10 years in jail in connection with the rape of a minor girl.

Layis Mohammad, Razaulla Ansari and Afrin Khan were found guilty of rape under the Indian Penal Code and Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act.

As per the prosecution, Layis Mohammad sexually assaulted the girl while Ansari and Khan helped him in the crime.

The matter came to light in 2019 after the victim was found to be pregnant and a probe revealed Khan had one-and-half month earlier introduced the 17-year-old girl to Ansari who wanted a domestic help.

The prosecution said Khan and Ansari took the girl to a room in Govandi where Layis Mohammad raped her and threatened to kill her if she narrated the ordeal to anyone.

The girl, on realising she is pregnant, told her sister after which a police case was registered.

She told court Layis sexually assaulted her multiple times, took videos and photographs of the act and threatened to circulate it and defame her.

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