In a significant ruling on Wednesday, the Kerala High Court granted anticipatory bail to veteran actor-director Balachandra Menon, who was accused of outraging the modesty of a female actor in 2007. Justice P V Kunhikrishnan, presiding over the case, underscored the importance of recognizing the “pride and dignity” of men, just as society does for women.
The case against Menon was lodged in September this year following the release of the Justice Hema Committee report, which investigated allegations of sexual misconduct in the film industry. The complaint against Menon came 17 years after the alleged incident during a film shoot.
In his defense, Menon argued that the delayed complaint was intended to tarnish his reputation. He highlighted his accomplishments in the film industry, including directing around 40 films and receiving two National Awards, in addition to being honored with the Padma Shri.
Justice Kunhikrishnan noted the significant delay in filing the complaint and questioned the impact of such allegations on Menon’s dignity. “It is an admitted fact that the victim filed the complaint after 17 years of the alleged incident… Based on the statement of a lady, that also after 17 years, the present case is registered,” he stated.
The court deemed it appropriate to grant anticipatory bail to Menon in the interest of justice, directing him to appear before the investigating officer within two weeks for interrogation. The judge added that if an arrest were proposed post-interrogation, Menon should be released on bail upon executing a bond of Rs 50,000 with two solvent sureties for the same amount.
Furthermore, Menon is required to cooperate fully with the ongoing investigation and refrain from any actions that might influence witnesses or obstruct the process.
The allegations against Menon were registered under various sections of the Indian Penal Code, including assault or criminal force to outrage a woman’s modesty, words or gestures intended to insult the modesty of a woman, and criminal intimidation.