Madhya Pradesh High Court Receives 48 Applications for Senior Advocate Designation

In a significant professional milestone, 48 lawyers have submitted their applications for the prestigious Senior Advocate designation at the Madhya Pradesh High Court. This update follows an official notification issued by the court on November 7, which also opened the floor for suggestions and viewpoints from stakeholders concerning the candidates.

The designation of Senior Advocate is a mark of distinction and recognition in the legal profession, awarded to lawyers who demonstrate excellence and significant contributions to the field of law. The last such designations were made by the Madhya Pradesh High Court in 2022, when 15 lawyers were honored with the title.

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The process for designating Senior Advocates is thorough, involving scrutiny of the applicants’ legal prowess, integrity, and contributions to the legal community, as well as consideration of feedback from various stakeholders. This feedback is vital in ensuring that the designation upholds its high standards and remains a true reflection of merit and professionalism in the judiciary.

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The court’s call for comments from peers, judges, and other members of the legal community is an integral part of the selection process, ensuring transparency and inclusivity in these prestigious appointments.

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