Madhya Pradesh Court Orders Woman to Pay Maintenance to Elderly Mother

In a notable ruling, the Indore family court in Madhya Pradesh has mandated a woman to pay a monthly maintenance of Rs 3,000 to her 78-year-old mother, whom she expelled from her home during the COVID-19 lockdown. The court’s decision came after the elderly woman accused her daughter of financial and emotional abuse.

The daughter, a 55-year-old who runs a saree shop from her home, allegedly evicted her mother during the stringent lockdown imposed in March 2020. According to the plaintiff, her daughter had previously persuaded her to sell their ancestral property, promising care and support, but later misappropriated her savings and the proceeds from the property sale.

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Additional Principal Judge Maya Vishwalal, presiding over the case, noted that the daughter’s income from her business was sufficient to provide for her mother’s maintenance. The court was informed that the shop generates between Rs 20,000 and Rs 22,000 monthly.

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The petitioner’s lawyer, Shail Rajput, emphasized the duty of children to care for their elderly parents, especially when claiming equal rights over parental property.

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