The Karnataka High Court’s Dharwad Bench received the final investigative report from the Lokayukta concerning the Mysore Urban Development Authority (MUDA) land allotment scandal. This detailed report, which comes after a meticulous investigation led by the Additional Director General of Police and Inspector General of Police of Lokayukta, is based on extensive evidence collected over the years.
The comprehensive report highlights the involvement of key figures in the corruption saga, tracing activities from 1994 to 2024. Among the primary accused are Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, his wife BM Parvathi, her brother BM Mallikarjunaswamy, and J Devaraju, the original landowner. Their recorded statements under Section 17A of the Prevention of Corruption Act are crucial components of the Lokayukta’s findings.
The investigative team presented a vast array of evidence, including audio and video recordings, forensic science laboratory reports, hard disks, CDs, and pen drives. Key documents such as RTC records, land conversion papers, ownership transfers, and correspondence records were also included, providing a thorough view of the transactions involved.
The case has revealed alleged misuses of power and irregularities in the allotment of land and sites by MUDA, implicating former commissioners, chairpersons, engineers, urban planners, and legislative members. The political fallout has been significant, with opposition parties like the Bharatiya Janata Party and Janata Dal (Secular) condemning the corruption and questioning the effectiveness of the Lokayukta’s investigation.