In a landmark move showcasing judicial activism, the Chhattisgarh High Court, led by Chief Justice Ramesh Sinha and Justice Ravindra Kumar Agrawal, has taken suo motu cognizance of the appalling condition of roads near Bilaspur Railway Station. Triggered by media reports highlighting the plight of commuters navigating through dilapidated and dusty roads, the court initiated a Public Interest Litigation (WPPIL No. 12 of 2025). This intervention seeks accountability from authorities and relief for thousands of residents who rely on these critical transport routes. The case also highlights systemic negligence in addressing fundamental infrastructure issues.
Background of the Case
The case emerged after the publication of a news article in the Hindi daily Navbharat on January 17, 2025. The report, accompanied by photographs, described the Gajra Chowk to Sharda Mandir road near Bilaspur Railway Station as hazardous. The road, riddled with large potholes and thick layers of dust, has become nearly impassable, endangering the lives of commuters and nearby residents. Despite repeated pleas to local authorities and railway officials, no remedial measures were undertaken.
Adding to the gravity, another report in Haribhoomi described issues at Bilaspur Railway Station, where goods trains occupied key platforms, forcing passengers to traverse additional risks and inconveniences. The court consolidated both issues under this PIL for comprehensive redressal.
Key Legal Issues
1. Negligence of Public Infrastructure:
– The PIL centers on the failure of authorities to maintain essential public infrastructure, endangering lives and causing undue hardship.
2. Coordination and Accountability:
– The case examines the shared responsibility among the Railways, Public Works Department (PWD), and Municipal Corporation in addressing public grievances.
3. Violation of Fundamental Rights:
– The failure to maintain basic infrastructure allegedly infringes upon the right to life (Article 21) and the freedom of movement (Article 19(1)(d)).
Court Observations and Directives
Highlighting the severe impact of administrative apathy, the court remarked:
“The big potholes visible from one end to the other on this road are screaming and telling the story of their plight. While the said road had turned into a pond during the rains, at present, the dust flying behind vehicles is disrupting daily life.”
The bench further emphasized:
“Despite repeated attempts by the local population to raise these issues, the response has been indifferent, reflecting gross negligence.”
The court directed Respondent No. 5, the Divisional Railway Manager, to file a personal affidavit addressing the concerns raised in the reports and outlining specific remedial actions. It also instructed that the Haribhoomi report regarding operational inefficiencies at Bilaspur Railway Station be included for simultaneous review.
The case has been scheduled for the next hearing on January 29, 2025, by which time the Divisional Railway Manager must present a detailed affidavit.
Parties Involved
– Petitioner: Initiated suo motu by the High Court based on media reports.
– Respondents:
– Union of India (through the Secretary, Ministry of Railways)
– Government of Chhattisgarh (through the Principal Secretary, Public Works Department)
– South Eastern Central Railway (General Manager, Assistant General Manager, and Divisional Railway Manager)
– Local Authorities (Collector, Bilaspur; Commissioner, Municipal Corporation Bilaspur; Chief Engineer, Public Works Department, Bilaspur)