The Karnataka High Court is set to delve into the matter of legislative immunity claimed by BJP MLC C T Ravi, concerning an FIR lodged against him for allegedly making obscene remarks towards Minister Laxmi Hebbalkar. The remarks were made during a session in the Legislative Council, prompting Ravi to seek the quashing of the FIR, citing constitutional protections under Article 194(2).
During the court proceedings on Thursday, Ravi’s senior counsel, Prabhuling Navadgi, argued before Justice M Nagaprasanna that the comments, made within the confines of the legislature, should be shielded from police investigation or any external scrutiny due to the immunity provided to legislators for statements made in the House. Navadgi highlighted that the issue had been previously addressed by the Chairman of the Legislative Council, who had issued a ruling on the matter.
However, the State has contested this claim, arguing that legislative immunity is not an absolute shield, especially in cases involving potential criminal offenses. They referenced Supreme Court decisions that have set precedents indicating that the protections afforded under Article 194 do not cover all actions, particularly those that might constitute criminal behavior.
Justice Nagaprasanna expressed the need to explore whether Ravi’s remarks were directly related to his official duties as a legislator and to what extent immunity could be invoked in this context. The court is poised to further examine the bounds of Article 194, questioning whether it offers complete immunity or is subject to certain limitations.