In a significant development, the Karnataka High Court has issued an interim order halting any further action on the FIR lodged against BJP MLC CT Ravi until January 30. The FIR centers around allegations of Ravi making an obscene remark directed at Women and Child Development Minister Laxmi Hebbalkar during a session in the Legislative Council.
Justice M Nagaprasanna, who presided over the hearing, is now deliberating whether the matter falls exclusively under the jurisdiction of the Speaker of the Legislative Council or if it can also be subject to police investigation. This decision follows a petition by Ravi seeking to quash the FIR.
During the proceedings, Ravi’s counsel, Senior Advocate C V Nagesh, cited a Supreme Court decision from March 2024 in the case of Sita Soren vs Union of India. Nagesh argued that legislative immunity should protect Ravi from police intervention since the incident occurred within legislative premises.
However, Special Public Prosecutor B A Belliappa challenged this position, arguing that criminal acts committed within the legislature do not automatically qualify for immunity and should be subject to legal proceedings.
“The issue boils down to the issue of jurisdiction: whether the Speaker can close the proceedings, or the crime can be investigated by an external agency,” Justice Nagaprasanna stated, highlighting the complexity of the case. He has scheduled further hearings for January 30.