In a significant addition to the Supreme Court of India, former Delhi High Court Chief Justice Manmohan was officially sworn in as a judge of the apex court on Thursday. This move comes after the Supreme Court Collegium’s recommendation on November 28 for Justice Manmohan’s elevation, which the Central government approved on December 3.
Justice Manmohan has served the Delhi High Court with distinction, initially as its Acting Chief Justice beginning in September 2023 and subsequently as Chief Justice since September 2024. His legal career is both long and distinguished. Born on December 17, 1962, Justice Manmohan completed his LL.B from the Campus Law Centre in Delhi in 1987 and registered with the Bar Council of Delhi that same year. Over the years, he has practiced law extensively before both the Supreme Court and the Delhi High Court.
Recognized for his legal acumen early on, he was designated as a Senior Advocate by the Delhi High Court in January 2003. His judicial career escalated when he was appointed an additional judge of the Delhi High Court on March 13, 2008, and his position was made permanent on December 17, 2009.
With Justice Manmohan’s oath-taking ceremony, the Supreme Court will now operate with 33 judges, just one short of its full sanctioned strength of 34.