The Delhi High Court has directed the Central government’s selection committee to reassess the candidature of paralympic discus thrower Yogesh Kathuniya for the prestigious Khel Ratna Award. The court intervened following a petition by Kathuniya, who felt unjustly excluded from the 2024 Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna Award list despite his remarkable achievements, including a silver medal at the 2020 Tokyo Paralympics.
Justice Sachin Datta presided over the hearing and queried the extent of judicial authority over award selections. Advocate Nitin Yadav, representing Kathuniya, referenced a prior ruling to argue that the court could indeed mandate such a reconsideration. Subsequently, the court instructed the Selection Committee to reevaluate Kathuniya’s application with due regard to the award’s criteria, particularly noting the urgency given the approaching award ceremony scheduled for January 17.
Kathuniya’s legal challenge highlighted discrepancies in the selection process, arguing that despite scoring the highest marks under the award’s evaluation scheme, he was overlooked. The petition underscored his exceptional performance and the seemingly arbitrary nature of his exclusion from the award list issued by the Union Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports.
Yogesh Kathuniya, a prominent figure in Indian para-athletics, has been an inspirational figure in the sports community. Diagnosed with Guillain-Barré syndrome in his youth, which led to paralysis, Kathuniya’s journey through recovery to become a Paralympic medalist is a testament to his perseverance and dedication. His efforts have not only garnered him national and international accolades but also a significant following among aspiring athletes.
The Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna Award, named after the legendary Indian hockey player, is India’s highest sporting honor. It celebrates the exemplary achievements of athletes like Kathuniya who have excelled in their respective sports, contributing significantly to India’s stature on the global sports stage.