A Delhi court has granted bail to an individual charged under the Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act (MCOCA), finding that he met the stringent conditions required for release. The accused, known as Wajid alias Neta, has been in custody for over four years and is alleged to have been involved with a notorious criminal syndicate.
The bail decision, issued by Additional Sessions Judge Sameer Bajapai, came after careful consideration of the evidence presented by the crime branch. According to the court’s findings, there was insufficient evidence to conclusively prove Wajid’s involvement in organised crime activities. The judge noted, “The material as put on record by the investigating agency is diluted and does not strictly show the applicant’s involvement in the activities of the alleged syndicate.”
Under MCOCA, bail can only be granted if there is reasonable belief that the accused is not guilty and is unlikely to commit a crime while on bail. Judge Bajapai’s ruling emphasized that there was no direct evidence linking Wajid to any organised crime activities with other syndicate members, which supported the presumption that he would not engage in future offenses.
Wajid has been directed to comply with several strict conditions upon his release. He must post a personal bond of Rs 50,000 along with a similar amount as surety. Additionally, he is prohibited from engaging in any criminal activity, contacting other accused persons or their families, interacting with witnesses, or leaving the National Capital Region (NCR). He must also provide his cellphone number to authorities and notify them of any change in his residential address.