Court acquits man accused of murdering wife

A court in Maharashtra’s Thane district has acquitted a 38-year-old man who was accused of killing his wife and destroying evidence of the crime.

Additional sessions judge Rajeev P Pande of Kalyan sessions court held that the prosecution has failed to prove the charges against the accused Dilip Matilal Roy.

The copy of the order dated June 26, was made available on Tuesday.

The prosecutor informed the court that Dilip was married to the victim Soni and the couple lived in Khadegolavali area of Kalyan and worked at a bar and restaurant in the town.

The couple would quarrel over petty domestic issues frequently, the court was told.

According to the prosecution, in May 2014, the victim’s sister, who could not get in touch with her over the phone, visited the bar and found that she had not reported to work for two days.

The sister then went to the victim’s house only to find the door locked from outside and foul smell emanating from the house. She later found the victim’s body in a decomposed state inside the premises, the prosecution said.

Based on a complaint lodged by the victim’s sister, the police arrested the alleged accused.

The judge in his order stated that the prosecution had failed to examine the victim’s sister and the police have given a report that she is untraceable.

The prosecution also failed to prove the motive on the part of the accused behind the crime, he said, while acquitted the alleged accused.

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