Consumer Awarded Rs 50,000 in Kerala for Missing Biscuit Weight

In a remarkable decision, the Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission in Thrissur, Kerala, has awarded a compensation of Rs 50,000 to George Thattil, a local resident, for receiving underweight biscuit packets. The commission also mandated a payment of Rs 10,000 as litigation costs by the manufacturer, ‘Britania Industries’, and Chukkiri Royal Bakery, where the biscuits were purchased.

Thattil had filed a complaint after discovering a significant discrepancy in the weight of two packets of ‘Britania Nutri Choice Thin Arrow Root Biscuits’ he bought on December 4, 2019. Despite being advertised as 300 grams per packet, the actual weights were only 269 grams and 248 grams respectively. This led Thattil to seek legal redress for the deficiency in service and unfair trade practice.

The case proceeded ex-parte as neither ‘Britania Industries’ nor Chukkiri Royal Bakery responded to the notices issued by the commission. Advocate A D Benny, representing Thattil, argued that the shortfall not only breached consumer trust but also jeopardized the dignity of consumers, infringing upon their right to be treated fairly and free from deceptive practices.

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