In an unprecedented move, Chief Justice of India Sanjiv Khanna, along with 24 Supreme Court judges, will travel to Visakhapatnam to hold a significant judicial meeting. Accompanied by their families, the judges will convene on January 11 and 12 to deliberate on pivotal issues concerning the Supreme Court as per report of NDTV.
This unique initiative, spearheaded by Chief Justice Khanna, allows the judges and their families to utilize the Leave Travel Concession (LTC)—a benefit that all Supreme Court employees, including judges, are entitled to. This will enable them to cover travel expenses personally, rather than using court funds.
The decision to hold the meeting outside the usual confines of Delhi was motivated by Chief Justice Khanna’s desire to provide a relaxed environment that enhances productive discussions. He shared this plan with fellow justices, including senior judges BR Govai and Surya Kant, who both supported the initiative.
While all judges were invited, only 24 were able to commit to the trip, with the remainder unable to participate due to prior personal commitments.
The Leave Travel Concession scheme available to the judiciary includes the option to travel to one’s hometown once every two years and an all-India travel option once every four years.