Chhattisgarh HC CJ Stresses On Equipping Technical Staff With The Latest Technological Tools To Enhance Efficiency And Justice Delivery

Bilaspur, In a landmark step towards empowering the judiciary of Chhattisgarh with cutting-edge technology, today on 19th January 2025, the High Court of Chhattisgarh, Bilaspur organized a workshop titled “A deep dive into the controls within New CIS Version 4.0 and Equipping the Technical Staff with Laptops” at the Chhattisgarh State Judicial Academy Bilaspur for Technical Staff of the High Court and Assistant Programmers from all 23 Districts of Chhattisgarh to enhance their technical skills and CIS 4.0 version training, and they were provided with high-capacity laptops.

The program was inaugurated by the Chief Guest, Hon’ble Shri Justice Ramesh Sinha, Chief Justice, High Court of Chhattisgarh, by lighting the lamp. Hon’ble Smt. Justice Rajani Dubey, Judge, High Court of Chhattisgarh, and Chairperson of the Committee to Monitor the Functioning of CSJA, was present as a special guest during the inaugural session.

Addressing the participants, Hon’ble The Chief Justice said that providing high-capacity laptops to the technical support staff of the High Court and all Districts of the State is a significant step towards enhancing their technical proficiency and excellence and is a testament to our collective efforts to empower the judiciary in the digital age.

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Hon’ble The Chief Justice said on this occasion for the judiciary to be technologically capable, the Judicial Staff must be technically proficient along with the Judicial Officers. The more proficient the Judicial Staff is, the more efficient our Judiciary will be, and we will be able to deliver results faster.

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Additionally, Hon’ble The Chief Justice remarked that it is not enough for the court staff to be proficient only in technical knowledge, but for this, they must be equipped with technical and digital resources. It is our priority that Judicial Officers and Staff are proficient in technical knowledge and digital resources, and as a step towards enhancing their capabilities, today laptops are being provided to the Technical Staff of the High Court and all 23 District Courts of the State.

Hon’ble The Chief Justice expressed that the role of Technical Staff in the Judiciary is very important, now that the Technical Staff is being equipped with high-quality technical and digital resources, it is your responsibility that all of you become fully proficient in the use of these resources and make full use of them and contribute to the process of providing speedy, cheap and accessible justice to the common people.

Hon’ble The Chief Justice expressed that we expect that all the Technical Staff present at this workshop today will utilize this workshop and take advantage of it and try to find solutions to whatever questions they have in their minds and try to learn from each other.

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It is important to highlight that Hon’ble Shri Justice Ramesh Sinha, Chief Justice, High Court of Chhattisgarh has been at the forefront of promoting modern technology and digital resources within the judiciary, ensuring their full utilization. His Lordship has been virtually inspecting the District Courts across the State, virtually inspecting Lok Adalats, and virtually laying the foundation stone and inaugurating judicial infrastructure, Court Buildings, and housing for Judicial Officers and Staff, and addressing divisional seminars, which was coordinated by the Technical Staff of the High Court and District Courts, where the Technical Staff of the High Court and District Courts needed laptops and did not have laptops, causing difficulties, and they used to perform the work by arranging laptops from Judicial Officers or somewhere else. This providing of laptops to Technical Staff not only addresses a critical need but also uplifts and motivates those who work tirelessly to support our courts, paving the way for a brighter future for the entire judicial system.

On this occasion, under the leadership of the Hon’ble The Chief Justice, 11 Technical Staff of the High Court and 23 Assistant Programmers from all Districts of Chhattisgarh, a total of 34 Technical Staff were provided with modern technology-equipped laptops. In the recent past on 21st December 2024, under the leadership of Hon’ble The Chief Justice, 200 Judicial Officers were provided with high-capacity modern iPads.

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It is to be noted that the Hon’ble Shri Justice Ramesh Sinha, Chief Justice High Court of Chhattisgarh has always given priority to high-level judicial infrastructure, housing for judicial officers and staff, court buildings, and making the State’s judicial officers technically proficient. Since taking over as the Hon’ble Chief Justice, significant progress has been made in the infrastructure of the State’s judiciary, housing for Judicial Officers and Staff, Court buildings, and the establishment of Dispensaries and Post Offices in the Court Premises, which has created a conducive environment for the administration of justice.

The inaugural session of the program concluded with a vote of thanks by Shri Vivek Verma, I/c Registrar Computerization cum CPC. On this occasion, the Registrar General Shri K. Vinod Kujur, Director of the State Judicial Academy Shri Santosh Kumar Aditya, and officers of the Registry and the State Judicial Academy were present.

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