The Bombay High Court has been approached with several Public Interest Litigations (PILs) requesting oversight of the Special Investigation Team’s (SIT) probe into the murder of Beed district sarpanch Sanjay Deshmukh. One of the key demands includes an Enforcement Directorate (ED) investigation into potential financial irregularities linked to the case.
Activist Ketan Tirodkar, who filed the PIL, has urged the court to mandate that the SIT provide periodic progress reports. The plea underscores concerns about money laundering activities related to the murder, prompting a call for the ED’s involvement to scrutinize financial transactions and company affiliations involving key figures in the case.
Furthermore, the litigation seeks intervention from the Election Commission of India to review and act upon the electoral affidavit of Maharashtra cabinet minister and NCP MLA Dhananjay Munde. Allegations have surfaced against Munde for not disclosing his directorship in several companies in his affidavit, potentially violating electoral transparency requirements.
The case revolves around the brutal abduction and killing of Sanjay Deshmukh on December 9, 2024. Deshmukh was allegedly targeted after attempting to thwart an extortion scheme against an energy firm managing a windmill project in the region. The involvement of local political figures has been implied, with Munde’s connections to the arrested suspect Walmik Karad drawing scrutiny both from within his party and the opposition.
The plea also highlights findings from the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, which reportedly reveal that Munde and Karad are co-directors in several companies. This relationship, according to the petition, is crucial as it might reveal financial dealings pertinent to the investigation that the SIT has yet to fully explore.