The Bombay High Court has taken stern action against a Police Sub-Inspector (PSI) who sent a Facebook friend request to a woman complainant, directing the Deputy Commissioner of Police to investigate the officer’s conduct. During a recent hearing, Justices Revati Mohite Dere and Neela Gokhale expressed their dismay at the PSI’s inappropriate behavior.
The incident occurred when the PSI, involved in the investigation of the complainant’s case, sent her a friend request at midnight. Questioning the propriety of such actions, Justice Dere asked, “How can you send a friend request to a woman, who is a complainant in a case you are investigating?” Despite the PSI’s defense that the request was made “by mistake,” the Court rejected this explanation as unacceptable.
The Additional Government Pleader tried to mitigate the situation by mentioning that the PSI was a new recruit on his first posting, but the bench was concerned about his future conduct and adherence to professional duties. This led to further questioning about the protocols for police officers’ use of social media, to which it was clarified that such activities are not permitted.
The High Court has called for the Deputy Commissioner of Police to appear at the next hearing via video link to explain the actions taken against the PSI. The court’s dissatisfaction was palpable, with the judges noting the officer’s lack of remorse.
The case originated from a petition filed by a Ghatkopar resident seeking judicial intervention over police inaction regarding her complaint. She reported that her daughter’s belongings, including cash and ornaments worth around Rs 15 lakh, were taken under duress from her rented home in Kandivali by her estranged husband. Despite repeated complaints, the local police failed to register an FIR or take any substantive action.