In a significant development in the corporate legal landscape, the Bombay High Court on Friday directed Abhishek Lodha and Abhinandan Lodha, sons of BJP leader and Maharashtra cabinet minister Mangal Prabhat Lodha, to engage in mediation over their dispute concerning the “Lodha” trademark. The directive came after the court proposed that the brothers seek an amicable resolution earlier this week.
Presiding over the matter, Justice Arif Doctor encouraged the siblings to resolve their differences out of court and appointed former Supreme Court Justice R V Raveendran as the mediator. The court has allowed five weeks for the mediation process, with a provision for extension if the mediator identifies positive progress. If the mediation fails, the court is set to address interim relief on March 21.
The mediation will initially involve only the Lodha brothers, with the possibility of involving other concerned parties later if necessary. Justice Doctor emphasized the potential for a comprehensive resolution between the disputants, which could simplify or resolve broader issues stemming from their conflict.
The legal confrontation began when Abhishek Lodha’s company, Macrotech Developers Ltd, filed a lawsuit against Abhinandan Lodha’s real estate firm, The House of Abhinandan Lodha, earlier this month. The lawsuit claims exclusive rights to the “Lodha” trademark, which has been a hallmark of the Lodha Group’s real estate ventures since the 1980s. Macrotech Developers is seeking Rs 5,000 crore in damages, asserting that the defendant’s use of the Lodha name violates their trademark rights.
Further complicating the matter, Macrotech Developers alleges that despite a Family Settlement Agreement in 2017 and a subsequent agreement in 2023 outlining the terms of Abhinandan’s departure from the Lodha Group to start his venture, the defendant’s use of the name “House of Abhinandan Lodha” was unauthorized. Macrotech claims it was not a party to the 2023 agreement and thus not bound by its terms.
Abhishek Lodha contends that the “Lodha” brand, which his firm has vigorously promoted, represents substantial goodwill, with the company achieving domestic property sales totaling Rs 91,000 crore over the past decade. He argues that the brand’s value, built on extensive advertising and endorsements, is well-recognized both in India and internationally.