In a recent development in Bengaluru, a city civil court on Saturday granted bail to Nikita Singhania, the wife of deceased engineer Atul Subhash, along with her mother, Nisha Singhania, and brother, Anurag Singhania. They were previously arrested in connection with the engineer’s suicide, which he attributed to their alleged harassment over divorce demands.
34-year-old Atul Subhash tragically ended his life on December 9th, leaving behind a detailed 40-page suicide note and a video lasting over an hour, explaining the circumstances that led to his decision. In these documents, he accused his wife and her family of pressuring him to pay Rs three crore in exchange for a divorce.
The Karnataka Police acted on these accusations, arresting Nikita, Nisha, and Anurag in Uttar Pradesh and subsequently transferring them to Bengaluru for judicial proceedings. They were held in custody until the recent bail decision, as the court considered the evidence presented against them, including the suicide note and the video left by Subhash.