In a significant decision, the Andhra Pradesh High Court has reinforced the rights of a lesbian couple to live together, instructing local authorities to ensure their reunion and non-interference from their families. The ruling came from a bench consisting of Justice R Raghunandan Rao and Justice Maheswara Rao Kuncheam, responding to a plea filed by a 25-year-old woman.
The petitioner’s plea highlighted that her partner was being forcibly detained by her own family. After verifying the partner’s wishes, the court confirmed her desire to live with the petitioner. “The police are hereby directed to ensure that the detenue is safely escorted to the petitioner’s residence,” the court ordered, emphasizing that the family must refrain from meddling in her personal decisions.
During the proceedings, the court dealt with a complaint the detained partner had previously filed against her parents. Although she expressed no interest in pursuing criminal charges against them, the court advised that no such actions should be initiated based on past allegations.