The Allahabad High Court on Friday granted interim relief to Samajwadi Party MP Ziaur Rahman Barq by staying his arrest in connection with a violent incident in Sambhal district, Uttar Pradesh. The violence erupted during a court-ordered survey of the Mughal-era Shahi Jama Masjid mosque, resulting in the deaths of four individuals. However, the court declined to quash the FIR lodged against him.
The decision to stay the arrest was made by a bench consisting of Justices Rajiv Gupta and Azahar Husain Idrisi, following a petition filed by Barq. His counsel, Imran Ullah, along with the additional government advocate, presented arguments before the court.
Despite the stay on his arrest, the court has ordered that the investigation against Barq will continue. The justices emphasized the need for the Member of Parliament to fully cooperate with the law enforcement authorities as they proceed with their inquiries into the incident.